Cast Film: What are the technical features of the cast film production line?
 Jul 06, 2023|View:20

I have already shared with you about the usage field of the casting machine and some of its inherent features. So today, I want to share with you some of its technical features.

Its technical characteristics are generally divided into the following:

1. Currently, domestically produced casting machines rely on some advanced technologies from abroad

2. In its overall design, it is also becoming increasingly advanced

3. The flow channel design of its roller is very reasonable, making its cooling effect better and product quality more stable

4. The design behind it is also very eye-catching, mainly effective in practical applications, as it can adjust the extrusion pressure

The above four are some of the technical features of the casting machine, and of course, there will be some other features in this area in the future. Please continue to pay attention.

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