Film coating machine: How does the film coating machine work?
 Jul 06, 2023|View:20

The coating machine, also known as the extrusion casting composite machine, has already mentioned some simple knowledge about the coating machine. Now, we will continue to introduce some knowledge about the coating machine. Today, we will share with you how the coating machine works?

So how does the film coating machine work?

It works like this: because the film coating machine mainly performs extrusion casting, we first plasticize the plastic particles through a screw, and then extrude them into a linear shape from the die mouth of its flat die head. After stretching them, they are placed on some flexible substrate surfaces, such as paper, film, non-woven fabric, or woven fabric.

Then wait for them to cool and shape before pressing them into the desired composite material. This composite material has many characteristics, such as good barrier and heat sealing properties, as well as excellent strength, toughness, and functional properties of its substrate.

So the work of the film coating machine is almost completed, of course, this is just making a material, and so on.....

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